
Technology, tokenomics and storytelling to celebrate and liberate the blockchain.

We’re building a vault of licensable, branded-entertainment IP to capture and engage new audiences

Game first.

Removing Barriers of Adoption
Web3 Games have a notoriously high barrier-to-entry for casual gamers who make up the vast majority of players. “Connect Wallet” before gameplay is not just off-putting, it’s boring.

We’re solving that with world-class storytelling, world-building, game design, art and sound. And fun.
World Building
Every pixel, every character, every puzzle is a testament to the harmonious marriage of imagination and engineering precision
Game Design
Every frame becomes a brushstroke, every motion a choreographed dance, contributing to a symphony of visuals that captivate players' senses and ignite their imagination.
Art & Sound
In the realm of game design, art and animation are the storytellers, whispering tales of wonder and excitement, etching memories that linger long after the controller is set down.
Unveiled Is A Unique Collectible Card Game In Which You Gain Fervour For Your Ventures, Spending It On Mercenaries, Spies, Automata, And Influence.
Play Unveiled TCG

Our Team.

James Vuong
James is a dynamic CEO leading two thriving companies. He co-founded ROOMERANG, elevating it from $0 to $8 million in annual net revenue in just 5 years. Additionally, as a co-founder of KEYNINJA, James achieved animpressive 50% year-over-year net revenue growth within the same timeframe. With a background in property valuation, sales, and technology, James brings a unique blend of skills to drive innovation and success in both ventures.
Tricia Yong
Tricia is a Marketing Director with 15 years of expertise, co-founded ROOMERANG and KEYNINJA with James Vuong, bringing a wealth of knowledge from the tech industry,property valuation, and consumer products. With a background in consumer behavior, UI/UX design, and marketing strategies, she adeptly navigates the convergence of technology and marketing.
Mauvis Ledford
Technical Advisor
Mauvis Ledford is a seasoned full-stack CTO specialising in Web3 and decentralization. With over 20 years of tech experience, he has led startups in NYC, SF, and Singapore, and currently offers global tech advisory services. Mauvis has contributed to platforms like CoinMarketCap and Disney Mobile, and collaborated with entities like Skype and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ryan Ang
Experienced in investing in traditional equity markets and blockchain companies. Early adopter of digital assets and co-founded a decentralised finance application that provideswallet services, swaps and DeFi products. Previously in the private equity arm of one of Singapore’s leading asset management funds, Dymon Asia Capital. Previously the fund manager at Blockchain Ventures.
Dylan Miklashek
Executive Producer
Dylan Miklashek has over 25 years of experience in the video game industry working for Gameloft, EA, Pandemic, and THQ. He has led teams on major franchises including FIFA, NHL, MVPBaseball, WWE, Batman, The Oregon Trail, and others. He has led teams all over the World including Australia, Canada, the USA, the UK, and Japan, and worked in a number of different roles including Director of Development, Executive Producer, Creative Director, and Studio General Manager.
Dr. Ralf Muhlberger
Game Producer
With over 25 years of experience in technology and education leadership, Ralf knows that games have the power to teach more than any other tool. Ralf’s extensive work within some of Australia’s leading universitiesdesigning IT and Media curriculums and chairing business committees has led to Ardacious becoming a powerful tool for educators to revolutionise their classrooms.
Jordan Stratford
Creative Director
Jordan is an international best-selling author of the Wollstonecraft Detective Agency series with Penguin Random House, which was adapted to a mobile game for iOS, Android, and NintendoSwitch, and is in development for television with the world’s largest streaming producer.
Jae Sik Choi
Blockchain Advisory
Early adopter of digital assets since 2011, founded Garuda Crypto, The Cryptocurrency Fund Project and Kalian Cryptocurrency Fund, along with being deeply experienced in DeFi and dAppssince 2019. Previously an ex-NAB Specialised Transaction Management Associate, experienced in fixed income structured products, KYC/AML, FATCA and CRS reporting. Holds a Master of Applied Finance from Monash University.

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At 248 Labs, our constant pursuit is to build engaging games that spread joy. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your thoughts and messages - we are all ears!


390 Orchard Road, 03-07, Palais Renaissance, Singapore S238871

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